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About Me

Hi there, I’m Ali Marsland. Welcome to my online home. I’m a British country girl at heart, but I was well and truly bitten by the travel bug way back in 1990. Now I’ve travelled to 64 countries (and counting) and divide my time mostly between Nottingham (UK) and Cape Town (South Africa), with frequent side trips to new places. I work remotely as I travel, running Sorted Communications. My team there works alongside in-house communications leads, supporting them with tasks such as writing, proofreading, design, project management and admin. I’ve always been interested in words and language. I studied linguistics at university, taught English in Sudan, and have worked on magazines and newsletters since I was at school.

Now, I focus on running the business, but in the past my words have also been used in The Observer, on the BBC and in numerous local media. I also work as an end-point assessor, delivering the final assessment for apprentices doing their ‘content creator’ qualification, and – together with my partner – I manage a couple of listings on Airbnb. And when I’m not working, I race dragon boats with Notts Anaconda in Nottingham, UK, with The Dutch Dragons in Zoetermeer, Netherlands, with Mujaji in Cape Town, South Africa, and with the Great Britain premier squad.

My mission now is to encourage and support other people to identify and then live their right life – not the life that I choose; the life that you choose.

Work with me and I will challenge your assumptions and beliefs, offer new ideas and possibilities and support you to start working towards them.

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Agnes Kindberg holding a camera indoors.