I work with people who are looking for ‘something more’. I help them identify what their ‘right life’ looks like and start creating it.

Over the years I’ve used many different tools, programs, people and other resources to help me achieve my right life. The resources listed here are all ones that I’ve used, created or contributed to. I can personally vouch for every single one of them, but only some will be right for you.

Full disclosure: Many of the links below are affiliate links. If you click through an affiliate link and then buy the item, I may receive a commission. The price you pay will not be higher than you would pay by going direct to the site. In some cases the price you pay may be lower, and in some cases you may receive a better deal (e.g. longer free trial) by going through the affiliate link.

All of the resources listed here are products/services that I genuinely personally endorse. Affiliate links are indicated with a *


Your Best Year Yet by Jinny Ditzler*

I love this book so much! I’ve been using it (almost) every year since about 2007. It’s a small, short book but is incredibly valuable. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

It takes you through 10 questions which provide a framework for thinking about your life and year. There are 2 things I particularly love about this book:

  1. It focuses purely on the next year, aiming to make the coming year your best yet, and then review again for the year after. People change; circumstances change; life changes; the world around us changes. Thinking and planning in one-year chunks of time makes so much more sense to me than trying to sit there and figure out what you want the rest of your life to look like. Let’s work on the next year, and then see where we’re at before we plan the following one.
  2. It gets you to consider all the roles you play in life (e.g. writer, business owner, mother/daughter/sister, wife/girlfriend, runner, dragon boater, manager, gardener, homeowner etc) – and specifically encourages you to include a role which (choose your own wording for it) encapsulates ‘carer of me’. Then for each role you consider first how well you’re doing it, and then – and this is the incredibly valuable bit – how important it is to you to work on it this year. So, for example, you might rank yourself as only 3 out of 10 as a gardener, but decide that this year you really don’t care if your borders aren’t beautiful, your lawn is overgrown and the patio is more weeds than slabs. So you consciously give yourself permission to put zero effort into being a better gardener this year. This approach is so freeing; it’s totally OK to perform very poorly in some areas of life when you’re focusing hard on developing other areas.


GoDaddy – website hosting

These are the guys I use for domain registration and website hosting. They’re reasonably priced and have great customer service. If you’re a bit of a tech newbie like me, just drop them a message and they’ll get you sorted.

SmarterQueue* – social media scheduling

This is the social media scheduling tool that I use for my communications agency. It allows you to connect multiple accounts/platforms and individually set when you want to publish on each one via a simple calendar view. It also has ‘categories’ of content, so you can set to, for example, post ‘value bomb’ content on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, ‘sales’ content on Wednesdays, and ‘fun Friday’ content on Fridays. All separately customisable for each platform.

It also lets you automatically recycle evergreen content, so once something is posted, it just goes to the bottom of the queue and reposts at a later date.

(Note: Using the affiliate link in the title here should give you an extended 30-day free trial rather than the standard 14-day free trial.)


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