Two boyfriends

I have two boyfriends. They know about each other. They’re friends in fact. They know about my relationship with them both. Everyone involved has known everything relevant from the very beginning. It’s all completely above board. But only a handful of our friends and family know about the situation.

Society says it’s not normal. Most people we’ve told have been interested, supportive, curious. Some have been concerned, dubious, unsure.

I love both my boyfriends. They are very different people. They fuel/nurture different aspects of me.

I hadn’t thought of it much before, but now that I’m in this situation, it seems only logical. It’s a heck of a tall order to look for everything you need or want in one person.

Most of us have different friends for different occasions. If I want a sensible head to counter my latest crazy idea, I talk to my friend Julie; if I want to discuss trips in Africa, I talk to Sam; if I want advice on a business issue, I go to Noel; if I want hugs, drinks, laughter and chat in real life at home, I call on Lizzie. Different friends for different situations. So why shouldn’t it work the same way with romantic partners?

I don’t feel that I can share this fact with everyone though.

Facebook’s relationship status doesn’t have functionality to set it to ‘in a relationship’ and tag more than one person.

Some people don’t react positively.

But I don’t want to hide. I hate that I care enough about other people’s opinions that I choose to hide this side of my life rather than risk judgement and negativity from some people.

I hope one day I will be able to get past that feeling enough to be open and honest with the whole world about this part of my life.

Posting this blog is a small step on my path towards that goal. Please be kind.

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